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The Vinton County Democratic Party

We the People...


Mrs Strickland visits Vinton County



We didn't vote for them

The Biden/Harris accomplishments during their term include:

1. Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill (which Vinton County is Benefitting from ) but you won't hear that from the Vinton County Republican elected officials. (Trump didn't have an Infrastructure bill.)

2. Largest Climate bill in history that reduces the deficit by $1.9T over 20 years. (Trump removed the Climate Bill during his term.)

3. Bipartisan gun control bill (first major one in over 20 years). (Trump didn't have a gun control bill and was shot by a registered republican.)

4. Bipartisan CHIPS and Science Act. This Act creates a National Semiconductor Technology Center to perform advanced research and development on semiconductors. Intel is receiving funding and is constructing semiconductor production facilities in Ohio. This will reduce the reliance the US has on other countries. (I know this happened a few years ago but it was Nixon (republican) that gave our jobs to China and Reagan (republican) that gave our technology to China.)

5. Bipartisan bill to save USPS. (Trump did nothing for the USPS.)

6. Bipartisan PACT Act to help Veteran Burn Pit Victims.

7. Supporting Democracy in Ukraine. (Trump withheld funds from Ukraine and is why he was impeached the FIRST time. If Trump is elected he will hand Ukraine to Russia on a silver platter.)

8. Death of the last major planner of 9/11 - al Zawahiri

9. Expanding NATO. (Trump wants to remove the US from NATO.)

10. The Inflation reduction Act - billionaire Corporations will pay a 15% minimum in taxes. This will help lower costs for working families. This act includes a Medicare negotiation provision. Analysis indicates the Inflation Reduction Act will create more than 9 million jobs over the next decade, most significantly in clean manufacturing and American energy. Nearly 1 million jobs a year for a decade! (Clinton and Biden raised taxes on the rich. Reagan and trump lowered taxes on the rich. This demonstrates which side each party "Trickles down on."

11. 400 separated families are reunited

And a SHOUT OUT to Ohioans for rejecting the Forced Birth movement!



While it is unfortunate that the Democrats in Vinton county pay taxes and have little representation whatsoever we will persevere. Let's get moving Vinton County! Lets get out and vote. Lets keep the momentum going and keep good legislation happening. Actions like the Paris Agreement on Climate Change Click here for source, the Infrastructure Bill (which was just released Click here for source) and the enshrinement of Women's Reproductive Rights in the Ohio Constitution, and the legalization of marijuana use for adults in Ohio.

"While your groceries go up DeWine, Larose, Huffman, and Cupp waste millions to keep power." - Columbus Dispatch Click here for source The second primary in Ohio in 2023 cost the citizens of Ohio at least $25 million thanks to Republicans whose only concern is staying employed. Republicans don't care about saving the Ohio tax payers money they are only out for themselves. Desperate men take desperate actions. Vote Democrat!

The Primary/Special Election was held on August 2, 2022 because the republicans in the state attempted to skew the gerrymander their way so many times that the Ohio Supreme Court had to step in on multiple occasions to keep them from cheating and declared their decisions unconstitutional, not just once, but twice!. Click here for source - Republican Incompetence at its finest. The solution? Vote republicans out!

Does America deserve to have a racists xenophobic homophobic misogynistic lying narcissist draft dodging bone spur impeached con man, wait for it....and then impeached again, guilty of Sexual Assault and Liable for Defamation minority indicted former President. What kind of person votes for Trump and the party he pretends to represent? The future of our Democratic Republic is on the line and Con the Don Trump is the best the Republican party can do? Seriously - why does any Republican in Vinton County want to have any association with this narcissistic former guy? Doesn't Vinton County and the US deserve better?

Let us not forget the reason for Trumps 1st impeachment. Trump was impeached because he withheld military aid that was authorized by Congress to the Ukrainian government and to President Zelensky. Trump withheld these funds without authority to do so in order to coerce Ukraine to investigate Trump's political opponent Joe Biden in order to promote a false and discredited conspiracy theory - otherwise known as lies. Want to know more about how the Ukraine invasion connects to Trumps' first impeachment? Click here for source Trump's actions are those of an authoritarian. We do not live in an authoritarian country... we live in a Democratic Republic.

Trump was also responsible for removing health protections, raising the U.S. deficit to its highest levels since World War II Click here for source,and here Click here for source , driving unemployment to its highest level since the Great Depression, Click here for source and removing the U.S. from the Paris Agreement on climate change mitigation Click here for source. Who can forget that Trump suggested that people use UV Light or disinfectant injections to treat Covid-19. Click here for a source, there are actually many Or, who can forget Sharpiegate! The time Trump used a sharpie pen to modify a National Oceanic map, showed it on TV, and thought it would work to divert the path of Hurricane Dorian on Sept. 1, 2019. Click here for one of many sources It makes you wonder if he thinks he can do the same thing to divert an incoming missile headed for the US. Makes you scratch your head doesn't it? Who votes for this guy?! While Trump continues lying Click here for source, bullying, throwing tantrums, inciting violence and insurrection. Proof insurrection began before January 6, 2021. Click here for source

"When we say that Republicans tried to steal an election, we mean they spun a Big Lie, lined up fraudulent electors, incited a violent insurrection, and so on.    When we (Democrats) tried to "Steal" an election they mean we exercised our right to vote."

~~~California Representative Eric Swallwell

A reminder that in 1861 11 Senators and 3 Representatives were expelled from Congress for supporting an insurrection. History does repeat itself.

And lets remember this - not ONE Republican office holder objecting to Biden's victory have objected to their own wins on the same day, on the same ballets, using the same election systems. When these same Republicans look in the mirror this is what they see - liar and HYPOCRITE! Did any of the Republicans that won in Vinton County in 2020 say the election was rigged? We don't think so.

Additionally, Republicans had YEARS to pass an alternative to the Affordable Care Act. Where is it? What did they do? NOTHING! Trump promised to build a wall and that Mexico would pay for it? Sure, they built a partial wall which is now falling down but Mexico did NOT pay for it. Where is the Trump wall? Republicans had years to pass an infrastructure bill. What did they do? Refer to Trumps failed wall and his two impeachments.

And when the money from Biden's Infrastructure Bill starts rolling into Vinton County to improve our infrastructure and improve internet throughout the county, and it will. Remember to Thank a Democrat. And in the future when folks from all over Ohio get good jobs from the new Intel facility that is being planned for Ohio. Remember to Thank a Democrat. It was the Democrats that brought this about - not the republicans', although there will be many who will claim that they were involved and ride on the coat tails of the Democrats successes - go check their voting record before you fall for that. Now, to be fair Republican Senator Rob Portman did vote for Biden's Infrastructure Bill but as mentioned before it is because Portman sure couldn't vote for Trumps Infrastructure Bill... because Trump didn't HAVE one! Portman is a GOOD example that once in awhile a Republican can do the right thing.

Democrats are willing to compromise because we exist to serve the people including those who vote against us. Democrats get things done and then the republicans take credit for it. All Republicans do is obstruct, attempt to pass legislation to benefit only themselves, and spew lies.

Thank you to all the Vinton County residents who voted and contributed to Joe Biden for the 46th U.S. President and Kamala Harris for Vice President (yes - the FIRST female black Asian American Vice President ever. Ladies can Do ANYTHING!) winning the MOST votes for president in U.S. History. Your vote counted and YOU are on the right side of history! Thank you Vinton County Democrats! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

What can we do moving forward? We must remain persistent and continuously inform our Representatives and Senators that they work for us and that they represent us! But we must continuously inform them of our positions on the issues.

The Ohio Representative for Vinton County 2nd Congressional District is Brad Wenstrup (Republican). Visit his web site to find his nearest office in Ohio. Click Here



May 28, 2021 update. Both Senators from Ohio including a Republican voted for the commission to investigate the January 6th attack and insurrection attempt on the U.S. Capital. Click here to view how senators voted by state. As expected Senator Sherrod Brown voted for the commission but what is astounding is that Republican Rob Portman (now former Senator) demonstrated courage, integrity and supported democracy by voting to support this commission. As mentioned above Portman does not plan to run for senate again as he can not abide "What he (the former minority president) did was wrong and inexcusable." Now that he doesn't need to worry about being reelected he can actually do the right thing.

Update May 2021: the 139 republican Lawmakers who chose Donald Trump over the US democracy. Click here to view the names of these hypocrites.

Call these numbers EVERY DAY! Call them after you've had your morning coffee. Call them on your lunch hour. Call them when you are bored and want to spice things up. Call them when there is an advertisement during your favorite show. Call them every single day and let your voice be heard!

Here is a laundry list to get the conversation started:

1. The Electoral Vote needs to be eliminated and we can do this. Be sure to read more about what WE CAN Do by clicking on this link: Insist our US Representative and Senators support H.J. Res. 14 and abolish the electoral college

2. Insist that they support measures to protect against the effects of global warming. According to the World Health Organization "Between 2030 - 2050, climate change is projected to cause about 250,000 deaths per year from heat stress, malnutrition, and the spread of infectious diseases like malaria." To find out more Click Here.Climate denial is immoral and un-American. Politicians who don't acknowledge or value science and expertise risk making decisions not based on facts or reality and will cause long term harm to our environment and to future generations not only in the U.S. but around the world. These deniers must be held accountable.

3. Remind them that Science is real, facts are facts, and we don't legislate law based upon some ones PERCEPTION of reality or ALTERNATIVE FACTS. The republicans inability to grasp science is NOT a valid argument against it.

4. Insist that they support Women's Rights, Women's Health, Human Rights and Civil Rights. Wow!!! The republicans have succeeded in moving this country back 150 years. By overturning Roe V Wade they have proven once again that women do NOT have equal rights in this country but are truly second class citizens. "Today, the Supreme Court expressly took away a constitutional right away from the American people that it had already recognized." - President Joe Biden. To find out more Click Here. Our wife's, daughters, granddaughters, and great granddaughters have less rights than a cold inanimate object. Think about that for a minute. We now live in a country where our gay friends must live in fear that their committed loving marriages might be torn apart by bigotry and homophobes. Evangelicals were convinced that a vulgar, greedy, racists man who has 5 children with 3 wives, pays porn stars for sex, gropes women, initiates violence and never tells the truth, was sent here by one of the millions of gods. So now in our country a 12 year old is too young to buy a PG-13 movie ticket, a lottery ticket or drive a car or vote but they can be forced to carry a baby to term, including being conceived by rape or incest, and forced to marry. July 2, 2022 - Ohio 10 year old rape victim Click here for more info. Why any woman in the US votes republican is truly a great mystery.

5. All religions are equal and there should not be any legislation that discriminates against ANY religion or faith. Know this - religious freedom includes freedom from religion. Religion should not govern a woman's bodily autonomy. Theists are demanding the religious freedom to impose their religious beliefs on others and this is WRONG. What about those that don't believe in gods? Why should someone else's religion be forced upon another and be used to govern someone else's bodily autonomy? Why should the majority have their bodily autonomy governed by a religious minority when the majority of Americans identify as "Pro Choice" Click here for more info. We need MORE people who value critical thinking skills.

6.) STOP THE WAR ON WOMEN! Insist that they support equal pay for women and that woman have fundamental rights under the constitution. It is NOT OK for anyone to assault a women, or anyone else. June 2021 - Call the Republican Senator and ask them why they blocked the bill addressing the gender pay gap - The Payroll Fairness Act. To find out more: Click Here. According to Pew Research women's annual earnings were 84% of their male counterparts in 2020. To find out more: Click Here. Rhetorical question: why would any Mother, Father, Brother, Aunt, Uncle etc. think that it is OK to pay a female less money simply because they are female? It is certainly an effective way to repress over 50% of the population in the US isn't it? More proof that we are not ALL equal in America!

7.) Insist that they oppose legislation which removes, changes, or decreases benefits from the Affordable Care Act, Social Security, and Medicare.

8.) Remind our Congressman that we do not support xenophobia, homophobia, racism, or misogyny. Nor do we support communism/fascism. Remember World War II? The Korean conflict? And the Vietnam War? Do we want to live in a country like China, Russia, and North Korea? Don't know what fascism is? Click Here.

9.) Remind our Congressman that we do not support traitors to our country, insurrectionists, or anyone collaborating or violently attempting to overthrow our democratic republic. No one is above the law.



And now a sincere thank you to the late former Vice President Walter Mondale who passed away at the age of 93. To give an idea of the kind of man Vice President Mondale was here are some of the words he spoke on the night he lost the presidential election to Ronald Reagan in November of 1984.

"My loss tonight does not in any way diminish the worth and importance of our struggle. The America we want to build is just as important tomorrow as it was yesterday. Let us continue to seek an America that is just and fair. Tonight, tonight especially I think of the poor, the unemployed, the elderly, the handicapped, the helpless and the sad, and they need us more than ever tonight.

Let us fight for jobs and fairness, let us fight for these kids and make certain they have the best education that any generation ever had. Let us fight for our environment and protect our air, our water and our land.

And while we must keep America strong, let's use that strength to keep the peace, to reflect our values, and to control these weapons before they destroy us all."

He cared and we care. Vice President Walter Mondale should not and will not be forgotten.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~ If you want to be on the right side of history vote Democrat.

If you want to make a difference then please join us! We meet on the 4th Monday of every month. Our meeting location is the McArthur Community Building, 31935 State Route 93, McArthur, Ohio. Join us! We look forward to your contribution!

Please be sure to check back with us often as we update our site with upcoming events, news and items of interest.

We want to thank everyone for their hard work, commitment and contributions. You are the Difference!  We are small - but we are mighty!


Vinton County Rocks!   Vinton County Rocks

   The Vinton County Democratic Party Committee

Upcoming Events

If you want to make a difference then please join us! We meet on the 4th Monday of every month. Our meeting location is the McArthur Community Building, 31935 State Route 93, McArthur, Ohio. Join us! We look forward to your contribution. We look forward to seeing you!

Latest News

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Daily Kos -The Most Important Article You'll read today about the Democratic Party

Think Progress - Women in America are NOT Equal


Huff Post -Debunking the Top 10 Most Egregious Republican Lies

Important Links

 Click here for Online Registration

Vinton County Polling Locations

Vinton County Board of Elections

Vinton County Sample Ballot

Ohio Democratic Party

National Democratic Party

Vinton County Democratic Party,   McArthur,  Ohio 45651

e-mail: info@vintoncountydemocrats.org
